
I spoke at WWCode Dev Summit 2023: Mobile & Web about Android and reduced motion in May. Here's the recording from the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sys4jzGQ7zg
I spoke at Anrdoid Worldwide about Android, Animations and Reduced motion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnAedZs3Kzc
I spoke at WeAreDevelopers Live React Day about the things I've learned on my accessibility journey. You can find the recording of the stream from the link above.
I will be speaking at React Native EU next week https://twitter.com/react_native_eu/status/1560635176173981701
I will be speaking at Modern Frontends Live in London in November 🎉 The title of the talk is "Learnings from My Accessibility Journey - A Developer's Perspective".
My talk "Accessible Inside Out - Practices for Better Code and Documentation" was accepted to Women in Tech Summit!
I spoke at Build Stuff conference. It was fun! https://youtu.be/qYWIF46hWdc
I spoke at JSCamp Virtual, the title of the talk was "Don't Develop Just for Yourself - A Developer's Checklist to Accessibility". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCW1GBMEDxU&list=PLB17qI-lepyhV2wD...
I had the honor to speak at Inclusive Design 24 about reducing motion on the web. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKYA_SASgjA&list=PLn7dsvRdQEfFoUIFxtSsp8PjHm-glki1Z
I spoke at React Finland's Accessibility session about testing sites from accessibility perspective. I want to highlight the other two talks as well; Ante Tomić shared about continuous localization...
Koodia Suomesta (Code from Finland) invited me as a speaker to their webinar about accessibility. The recording of the webinar is available for members of Koodia Suomesta Ry.
I gave a talk at Euruko with title "Don't Develop Just for Yourself - A Developer's Checklist to Accessibility". It was so much fun! If you want to watch it, here's a link to recording of the talk.