
My blogpost, Improving Android Accessibility with Modifiers in Jetpack Compose, got featured in ProAndroidDev 🔥 https://proandroiddev.com/improving-android-accessibility-with-modifiers-in-jetpack-c...
This was the fourth year I'm writing to Dev's campaign around International Women's Day, and this year, I decided to write about language we use and how it matters. https://dev.to/eevajonnapanula/t...
I wrote a blog post sharing about my experiences with microaggressions. https://eevis.codes/blog/2023-02-05/sometimes-i-feel-like-im-invisible-experiences-of-a-woman-in-tech/
A while back, I wrote a rant-ish post on Linkedin after getting so many unsolicited calls from recruiters. I wanted to expand that to a blog post, and here it is: https://eevis.codes/blog/2022-11-0...
My sister asked me to create a guest book app for her birthday. In this blog post, I share some learnings from that. https://eevis.codes/blog/2022-08-24/learnings-from-creating-a-guest-book-app/
I've been learning some Android development, because I want to be able to provide better information for Android accessibility evaluations. Here's the second part of notes I've been writing: https:...
When writing about what backend devs can do for accessibility, I did some quick tests for four documentation tools from accessibility perspective: Swagger UI, Read the Docs, Docusaurus and GitBook....
My latest task at work has been evaluating our apps' accessibility, and as I have developer background, I wanted to be able to understand how to fix the issues. I started going through Android Basi...
I wrote about some things I think would be the best place to start, if you're a developer new to accessibility. https://eevis.codes/blog/2022-07-22/my-advice-to-a-developer-new-to-accessibility/
I wrote a blog post on why you should never set the `outline`-property to 0 or none. http://eevis.codes/blog/2022-07-28/dont-set-outline-0-or-outline-none-for-focus/
I wrote a blog post about my spring, and how I got on the edge of burnout... Again. In the blog post I share what helped me this time. https://eevis.codes/blog/2022-07-15/on-the-edge-of-burnout-again/
I wrote a blog post about the process of creating the site called "Neule.art". It was a fun project, and I'm proud of actually delivering it - not every side project ever sees the light of the day ...
It's time for Dev's annual #SheCoded-campaign, and I wrote my piece about my experiences from my career, and about bias. https://dev.to/eevajonnapanula/nevertheless-eevis-still-codes-53o0
Last year was a lot of things. I wanted to take a one last look, and write down what has happened, so I wrote a blog post about that. https://eevis.codes/blog/2022-01-01/year-in-review-2021-edition/
I have a habit of testing sites with a keyboard, and many pages have problems with buttons. With that I mean that the buttons don't work without a mouse. I usually check the source code to understa...
I wrote a blog post about `aria-label`, and how it's not always the answer. It doesn't work well with, for example, `div`s or `span`s, as the support with screen readers is not consistent. https://...
I've been working as an accessibility specialist at Oura Health for a little bit over a month now. It's been exciting, and I wrote a blog post about initial thoughts and feelings. Read it from http...
In the spirit of ongoing Hacktoberfest, I wanted to share some tips I've found useful when creating and reviewing pull requests. I'm always happy when I find these things in a PR I'm reviewing 😊 ht...
I love blogging, but it's not always just fun. There have been some times, when I've considered not writing anymore for various reasons. I wrote a blog post about those reasons, and some advice I w...
I wrote a blog post about the problems of using the phrase "hey guys", as it is not a gender-neutral expression. I know many people use it and never stopped thinking about the meaning and aren't us...
I wrote a blogpost about reducing motion on the web - who benefits from it, and how a developer can respect user's settings on reduced motion. https://dev.to/eevajonnapanula/you-make-my-head-spin-r...
I wrote a blogpost about why semantic HTML is really important. https://dev.to/eevajonnapanula/ode-to-semantic-html-38c3
I wrote a blogpost about simple checks every developer can do to ensure, that their products are more accessible. https://eevis.codes/blog/2021-05-28/dont-develop-just-for-yourself-a-developers-che...